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Back issues

Hydrocarbon Engineering - August 2015

Hydrocarbon Engineering - August 2015

August is home to the Compressor Review, where we provide you with updates on the latest compressor technologies available to the downstream sector. The issue also focuses on condition monitoring with GE and compressor turnarounds and upgrades with Hoerbiger. Nancy Yamaguchi has provided the regional report with an indepth look at Russian Refining and Linde continues our Keynote Series on environmental compliance with an examination of marine fuels.

In this issue


Hydrocarbon Engineering - July 2015

Hydrocarbon Engineering - July 2015

The regional focus of this issue is Asia and Boston Consulting take the lead. The issue also houses the pumps, valves and seals review which highlights the broad technologies available to the downstream oil and gas sector. Gordon Cope, Contributing Editor takes a look at the importance of cyber security and the issue also covers flaring, desalination and tanks and terminals technology. To top the issue off we have 15 questions with the CEO of the Energy Institute.

In this issue


Hydrocarbon Engineering - June 2015

Hydrocarbon Engineering - June 2015

The June 2015 issue focuses on ACHEMA, the leading show for the chemical engineering and process sector, with our ACHEMA 2015 Preview. This feature previews a selection of companies active within the downstream hydrocarbon processing industry that will be exhibiting at the show. The Regional Report from T.A. Cook examines the impact of cheaper oil on natural gas and trends in the European energy industry, while ABB discusses the use of carbon capture technologies in this month’s Keynote article. The issue also has a number of additional features, including Process Optimisation, Compressors & Turboexpanders, High Performance Materials, Simulation Software, Pumps & Valves and Gas Analysers. To finish off the issue we give you 15 facts on Germany, the location of this year’s ACHEMA exhibition.

In this issue


Hydrocarbon Engineering - May 2015

Hydrocarbon Engineering - May 2015

The May issue focuses on Maintenance with our global maintenance review. This feature rounds up a wide selection of maintenance contracts and projects that have been executed over the last 12 months. The regional report from Nancy Yamaguchi looks at gas in Australia and Gordon Cope focuses on the LNG market and its capex and opex challenges. The issues also features plant safety, flaring, emissions monitoring and gas articles.

Plus Tanks & Terminals 2015 supplement

In this issue


Hydrocarbon Engineering - April 2015

Hydrocarbon Engineering - April 2015

The April 2015 issue features a keynote article by KPMG on environmental compliance in the downstream oil and gas industry, as well as a look at the current energy situation in China by Nancy Yamaguchi. The issue is jam packed with a range of topics, including sulfur removal, petrochemical processing, process control and automation, heat exchangers and distillation. In addition, don't miss Hydrocarbon Engineering’s annual Sulfur Review, which provides a comprehensive overview of the key sulfur technologies available to plant/refinery operations. To finish off this issue, we pose 15 questions to Adam Bradley, Vice President for Gas Processing, Shell Projects & Technology.

In this issue


Hydrocarbon Engineering - March 2015

Hydrocarbon Engineering - March 2015

March is one of our biggest refining issues of the year so we focus on fuel additives, catalyst recovery and corrosion with Dorf Ketal, Eurecat and Aspen Aerogels to name just three contributors. Nancy Yamaguchi provides our regional report which focuses on US refining. We are also lucky enough to have a guest comment from Charles T. Drevna, President of the AFPM. And to finish off the issue, we give you 15 facts on Nigeria.

In this issue


Hydrocarbon Engineering - February 2015

Hydrocarbon Engineering - February 2015

The February 2015 Regional Report offers insight into the prospects for the US natural gas industry. The issue additionally includes features on Gas Processing & Treating, Specialty Gases and Gas Analysers. The Lead Feature is Turbomachinery, featuring articles from Petrofac and IPC. Other features include Sulfur, Pumps & Valves and Condition Monitoring.

In this issue


Hydrocarbon Engineering - January 2015

Hydrocarbon Engineering - January 2015

Happy New Year from Hydrocarbon Engineering. The year is kicked off with the catalyst review and a look a the global catalyst market with ExxonMobil. Nancy Yamaguchi provides a regional look at the Middle East. The issue also focuses on software, flaring and emissions and tank cleaning. And finally, check out our 15 questions with UKPIA’s Chris Hunt.

In this issue


Hydrocarbon Engineering - December 2014

Hydrocarbon Engineering - December 2014

The last issue of 2014 focuses on the ASEAN region with an article from Boston Consulting and 15 facts from in house to further your knowledge. We also take a look at safety with Contributing Editor, Gordon Cope, gas processing and treating with Rameshni and associates (part 2 to come in February 2015) and software with Intergraph CadWorx.

In this issue


Hydrocarbon Engineering - November 2014

Hydrocarbon Engineering - November 2014

The November issue takes a close look at European refining with Euro Petroleum Consultants. The issue delves in to clean fuels with articles from Trinity Consultants and Haldor Topsoe, as well as 15 facts on the topics too. The issue also looks at wastewater with GE, catalysts with Grace and engineering with Ambitech.

In this issue

Showing 111 to 120 of 196 back issues