ON DEMAND - This webinar will describe possible applications that can be served by turbocompressor-driven industrial heat pumps, discuss specific design features, and provide pointers on potential refrigerants to be used.
From process heat to space or district heating – these days, thermal heat makes up a significant portion of energy demand across Europe, with approximately two-thirds of that heat being produced using fossil fuels. As a result, industrial process heat is responsible for about 20% of carbon dioxide emissions across Europe.
Driven by electricity, industrial heat pumps help to upcycle low-temperature waste heat sources (such as river water, sewage water, etc.). Specifically, industrial and high-performance heat pumps using turbocompressors support the upgrade of a waste or ambient heat source by increasing the temperature for further use in processes. Using the same principle of nearly every home refrigerator, high-efficiency industrial heat pumps handle process heat ranges between 10 – 50 MW (thermal) per unit and 80 – 300°C.