January 2009
On this month's cover: Underlying every process plant is a vast and complex aggregation of many types of information. Efficiently managing these assets is the key to safe and efficient operation. AVEVA NET technology puts you in control of all your plant information.
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Editorial comment
World News
Contract awards, project updates, industry latest, news digest, diary dates, mergers and acquisitions
The Good the Bad and the Ugly
Gordon Cope, Hydrocarbon Engineering correspondent, reports on the North American natural gas sector
A Malaysian Mission
Lurgi, GmbH, an Air Liquide Group company, Germany, provides an engineering contractor's project case file
Uniquely African
Eric Roper, EGTL, Nigeria, describes a new GTL project
Building the Hydrogen Economy
Robert J. Farrauto, BASF Catalysts LLC, USA, looks at how to build the hydrogen infrastructure for the hydrogen economy
Convection Reformer Technology
Erik Broman and Jack Heseler Carstensen, Haldor Topsøe, Denmark, explain the benefits of medium sized hydrogen plants technology based on convection reforming
Ethylene Enhancement
Stephen J. Stanley, Lummus Technology, a CB&I company, USA, examines how changing ethylene plant process chemistry can bring an improved return on investment
Next Generation Training Simulator
Charles Cutler and Lisa Vasbinder, Cutler Technology, USA, introduce a rapid development FIR based training simulator
Plug and Play
David Jerome, Invensys Process Systems, USA, gives an overview of CAPE-OPEN software interfaces
Working in Harmony
David Joffrion, Intergraph, USA, describes how De Smet S.A. Engineers & Contractors, Belgium, helped to provide an alternative fuels solution
The Pressure Drop
S. Gavelin, Tranter International AB, Sweden, looks at pressure drop requirements for plate heat exchangers
All the Mods Cons: Part 2
Michael Schultes, Werner Grosshans, Steffen Müller and Michael Rink, Raschig GmbH, Germany, present a modern liquid distributor and redistributors design
High Pressure, High Standards
Takao Koga, KOBELCO EDTI COMPRESSORS, INC., USA, examines high pressure screw gas compressors
Pump and Valve Review
A review of suppliers of pump and valve technologies for the hydrocarbon processing industry
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