September 2016
The September issue is home to this month’s Regional Report, written by Contributing Editor Nancy Yamaguchi, which explores the Southeast Asian refining industry as it has undergone both boom and bust in recent years.
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World News
Boom, bust, boom!
The Southeast Asian refining industry has undergone rapid booms and busts over time. Nancy Yamaguchi, Contributing Editor, homes in on a number of the region's key refining hotspots, highlighting key developments and plans for the future.
The long and winding road
Russia has been relatively slow to adapt to clean motor fuels production and consumption. Valentin Kotlomin, Euro Petroleum Consultants, examines the country's clean fuels market, and the long road it has taken to develop this crucial industry.
Managing Capex projects
Dirk Frame, T.A. Cook & Partner Consultants GmbH, Berlin, evaluates how proper management and best practice techniques can ensure the success of downstream Capex projects.
Working in 3D
Tolga Timirci, Tekfen Engineering, Turkey, reviews the laser scanning and integrated 3D design technology that is transforming downstream brownfield projects.
Laser guidance
Mario Anic, Numikon Ltd, Croatia, and Peter van der Weijde, Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions, the Netherlands, present an integrated laser surveying solution that can increase efficiency during brownfield project execution.
Harnessing data
Mark Claxton, Tessella, UK, explores how automation, the internet of things and data analytics can help operators to improve profitability in a low oil price market.
Easy exports
Jennifer Draper and Graham Bellamy, Nalco Champion, USA, explain how the implementation of a comprehensive service model at a North American refinery resulted in the successful facilitation of export cargo treatments.
A chemical breakthrough
David Comer, James Nolan and James Ondyak, Dorf Ketal, USA, discuss how refinery change management can be improved through the implementation of a new desalting reactive adjunct chemistry.
Cracking the catalyst code
Abdullah T. Al-Raddadi, Sivaprasad P. Pacheeri and Abdallah?S.?Al-Yasi, SAMREF, Saudi Arabia, and Ankit Apoorv, Carl Keeley, Stefano Riva and Vasilis Komvokis, BASF, Refining Catalysts, explore how an improved fluid catalytic cracking unit's product yield structure and operating flexibility, using a new resid catalyst, resulted in economic advantages for Saudi Arabia's SAMREF.
Take the heat off!
Bart de Graaf, Eugenio Macaluso, Tom Ventham and Paul Diddams, Johnson Matthey Process Technologies, USA, explore how operators can increase profitability in delta coke constrained fluid catalytic cracking units.
Controlling cat cracker contamination: part?one
Pat Salemo, Philadelphia Energy Solutions Refining and Marketing,?LLC, USA, and Doc?Kirchgessner and John Aikman, Grace Catalyst Technologies, USA, explore the impacts of iron contamination on fluid catalytic cracking unit operations.
Express entry
Armand Abay, Sean Sears and William F. Johns, Refined Technologies,?Inc., USA, discuss how the safe entry of reactor high pressure loop systems in hydrotreaters and hydrocrackers can be expedited by the application of patented chemistry and procedural changes during critical steps in the shutdown process.
Wiping out wax deposits
Tom Higley, Cal Gavin, UK, outlines the various techniques used to tackle wax deposition in air-cooled heat exchangers.
Attracted to the physical
Patrick S. Redmill, Heat Transfer Research, Inc., USA, examines how, as heat exchanger calculations become more rigorous, the attraction to greater physical property accuracy grows stronger.
Perfect purity
Pierre Frédéric Diaz, Veolia Water Technologies, France, and Robert Wenta, Veolia Water Technologies, USA, explain how the implementation of a new wastewater system helped to improve water quality and lower feedstock costs at the Petron Bataan Refinery in the Philippines.
Eradicating wastewater woes
Stephan Mrusek, Carles Crespo and Lucas León, akvola Technologies, Germany, examine refinery wastewater reuse by means of a new flotation-filtration technology based on novel ceramic membranes.
VOCs in focus
Gregory D. MacLeod, CR Clean Air, USA compares some of the main technologies being employed today for the mitigation of volatile organic compounds.
15 facts on...
This month we give you 15 facts on Southeast Asia!
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