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EXERGY and EMIRLER ENERJI sign contract for geothermal power plant

Published by , Editor
Energy Global,

EXERGY INTERNATIONAL, a global provider of clean energy technology and a leader in new generation geothermal ORC power plants, has signed a contract with EMIRLER ENERJI ELEKTRIK URETIM A.S. for the supply of an 8 MWe geothermal binary plant, the Emirler 1 JES Unite 2, located in Saraykoy, in Denizli region, Türkiye.

Luca Pozzoni, General Manager of EXERGY INTERNATIONAL, commented: “We are honoured to include Emirler Enerji among our partners, with whom we want to create long-term synergies and provide services that can enhance their renewable energy capacity.”

“Türkiye remains for Exergy a reference market with high dynamism in the development of geothermal resources where, thanks to our historical presence in the country, we continue to be a leading player. Leveraging on our closeness to our customers, served by a local manufacturing and service base, we will be a strategic partner for Emirler, helping the company expand their energy production portfolio, and achieve their goals by providing highly efficient geothermal power plant technology.”



For more news and technical articles from the global renewable industry, read the latest issue of Energy Global magazine.

Energy Global's Winter 2023 issue

The Winter 2023 issue of Energy Global hosts an array of technical articles weather analysis, geothermal solutions, energy storage technology, and more. This issue also features a regional report looking at the future of renewables in North America, and a report from Théodore Reed-Martin, Editorial Assistant, Energy Global, on how Iceland utilises its unique geology for renewable energy.

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