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Statera Energy to develop 3 GW Kintore Hydrogen project

Published by , Editorial Assistant
Energy Global,

Statera Energy has announced plans for the development of a major green hydrogen project in Kintore, Aberdeenshire, the UK.

Kintore Hydrogen is a 3 GW electrolyser project which will use surplus Scottish wind power to create green hydrogen to supply Statera’s power generating facilities and the UK’s most carbon intensive industrial clusters through existing gas transmission pipelines.

The UK government has confirmed that, through its Net Zero Hydrogen Fund (NZHF) strand 1, Kintore Hydrogen will receive 50% funding for its FEED, planning, and consenting work. The government has backed the initial 500 MW phase of Kintore Hydrogen’s development. The proposed FEED study has a target completion date in 2024 and the project will be ready for an investment decision in 2025. The full 3 GW of production is expected in 2030.

The project will offer significant benefits to the UK and its transition to net zero. It will enable Scottish wind generation to be used in situ for electrolysis to generate green hydrogen. This will reduce the need for more costly transmission grid reinforcements to convey excess electricity in Scotland to other parts of the UK. The 3 GW electrolyser project will also complement the conversion of the UK’s natural gas transmission pipelines to carry a greater share of lower-carbon green hydrogen, helping decarbonise energy intensive UK industry. This will improve the UK’s energy security, as well as creating nationally important infrastructure, unlocking private investment in the green economy, and creating highly skilled local jobs.

Tom Vernon, Managing Director, Statera Energy, said: “Kintore Hydrogen is another demonstration of Statera’s commitment to balancing the grid and meeting the challenge of decarbonising the UK’s energy system. The project will produce green hydrogen at scale in an optimal location, offering low-cost, secure, and storable energy to the UK system. Kintore will be a flagship project for Statera. Today we welcome government’s support for this nationally significant project, which will provide a meaningful contribution to the UK’s clean energy ambitions.”

Julian Leslie, Head of Networks and Chief Engineer, National Grid ESO, stated: “Kintore Hydrogen can play a critical role both in alleviating grid constraints and acting as a long duration energy store beyond the expected capabilities of battery storage and pumped hydro. It provides an opportunity to reduce whole system costs whilst also contributing to the decarbonisation of the country’s energy network and maintenance of the UK’s energy security system.”

Anthony Green, Hydrogen Director, National Gas Transmission, added: “Kintore will be a key enabler for the UK’s energy transition, helping meet the national target of net zero by 2050. Repurposing existing gas networks will be critical in connecting hydrogen producers with hydrogen consumers, to deliver reliable, safe, and efficient supplies of the fuel. Project Union, which is the development of a hydrogen transmission backbone, aims to be the most efficient solution for transporting otherwise curtailed Scottish renewable energy for the rest of the UK.”

Andrew Bowie MP, Member of Parliament for West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine, commented: “Kintore Hydrogen will use low-value, surplus Scottish offshore wind energy to produce hydrogen to power businesses and homes across the UK. If progressed, this world-leading green energy scheme, one of the biggest of its kind in the world, will help to secure the UK’s energy supplies, support job creation in West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine, deliver regional economic growth, and accelerate the decarbonisation of our economy.”

Alexander Stafford MP, Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Hydrogen, added: “Hydrogen is firmly at the heart of the global race to reach net zero carbon emissions, and Kintore Hydrogen confirms the UK’s commitment to achieving our ambitious hydrogen targets and leading the world towards a green future. I am delighted that Statera Energy is seeking to use UK-made technology and UK-based contractors where possible, maximising the opportunities for UK job creation and economic growth that the decarbonisation of our energy system can offer.”



For more news and technical articles from the global renewable industry, read the latest issue of Energy Global magazine.

Energy Global's Spring 2023 issue

The Spring 2023 issue of Energy Global hosts an array of technical articles focusing on offshore wind, solar technology, energy storage, green hydrogen, waste-to-energy, and more. This issue also features a regional report on commodity challenges facing Asia’s energy transition.

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