Endurance Energy awarded planning permission for Oakley Solar farm
Published by Jessica Casey,
Energy Global,
On the 22nd February, Endurance Energy received planning permission for the de-velopment of the Oakley Solar farm in Leicestershire.
Once built, the 50 MW solar scheme will deliver sufficient electricity for 15 000 homes and save over 11 000 tpy of carbon emissions.
The Oakley Solar farm has been carefully designed with the input of local wildlife groups and specialist ecologists to deliver significant wildlife benefits alongside low cost, zero carbon energy. Over 2800 new trees and 605 m of new hedgerow will be planted, alongside 61 acres of new wildflower meadow, 166 acres of species-rich grassland and four new wildlife ponds. In all, a biodiversity net gain of 62% is set to be achieved.
Endurance was pleased that Charnwood Borough Council recognised the considerable community consultation efforts which went into the design of the solar scheme, listening to the concerns of local residents to deliver a project which received unanimous approval at planning committee.
Greg Hilton, Head of Renewable Energy and Sustainability at Endurance Energy, said: “We are very pleased with the planning decision for Oakley Solar and we look forward to working with our investors and partners to make the solar farm and the associated wildlife benefits a reality. We acknowledge the pragmatic approach of the landowner and its advisors in the development of the proposals, and would like to thank Infraland for providing development support, Pegasus for planning consultancy and Meeting Place for community engagement, amongst many others who contributed to this successful result.”
The success for Endurance Energy in Leicestershire builds upon the consented solar and battery scheme at Wickham Hall in Hertfordshire. This scheme comprises 35 MW of solar farm and 20 MW of battery storage and will also deliver significant wildlife benefits in the form of wildflower meadow, species rich grassland, new woodland, to give an 82% increase on biodiversity across the site.
Hilton added: “We have worked very hard to deliver a scheme at Wickham Hall which provides a significant amount of zero carbon energy, complemented by the balancing services provided by the batteries, alongside new habitats for a range of wildlife species, and over two kilometres of new permissive footpaths for the community to enjoy.”
Endurance Energy is now working with its investors to start construction of the Wickham Hall site by early 2025.
For more news and technical articles from the global renewable industry, read the latest issue of Energy Global magazine.
Energy Global's Winter 2023 issue
The Winter 2023 issue of Energy Global hosts an array of technical articles weather analysis, geothermal solutions, energy storage technology, and more. This issue also features a regional report looking at the future of renewables in North America, and a report from Théodore Reed-Martin, Editorial Assistant, Energy Global, on how Iceland utilises its unique geology for renewable energy.
Read the article online at: https://www.energyglobal.com/solar/29022024/endurance-energy-awarded-planning-permission-for-oakley-solar-farm/
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